Dive-Tech International, Inc. has a long standing reputation of providing high quality underwater inspections for
our clients. The DTI staff has an expert knowledge of every facet of underwater inspection, including visual and
video inspection, non-destructive testing, ultrasonic testing, coatings inspection, and R.O.V. (Remotely Operated
Vehicle) Inspections. DTI regularly performs inspections on everything from tugboats to utility intake structures.
DTI can provide a "real time" underwater color video system with a surface monitor. This system allows viewing of
the inspection process, allows the client representative to direct the diver, and provides a monitored video for
permanent record.
The end result is a high quality video record of the inspection, with full audio, showing all the information needed.
Additionally, DTI can provide video with digital photographs, depending on the specific inspection needs.
DTI can also develop a professional report of the inspection findings, including photographs of typical conditions
and anomalies, and provide a list of recommended repairs, should any be required. With a reputation for providing
only the highest quality underwater inspections, DTI is prepared to assist you with your underwater inspection needs.
DTI On The Job:
A diver prepares to leave the surface to inspect the running gear on a tugboat.
An underwater digital photograph documenting the width of a hole in a pile.